Bar Indicators

The RadialBarGaugeIndicator and LinearBarGaugeIndicator represent a specific value on the gauge scale as a bar that fills the axis up to this value.


The following code sample shows how to add a RadialBarGaugeIndicator to a RadRadialGauge:

<telerik:RadRadialGauge LabelStep="60" TickStep="20" MaxValue="120"Width="200" LabelRadiusScale="1.10">
    <telerik:RadialBarGaugeIndicator Value="100" Brush="Green" Thickness="5" Margin="10"/>


Rad Gauge-Radial Bar Gauge Indicator


The following code sample shows how to add a LinearBarGaugeIndicator to a RadLinearGauge:

<telerik:RadLinearGauge LabelStep="60" TickStep="20" MaxValue="120"Width="200">
    <telerik:LinearBarGaugeIndicator Value="100" Brush="Green" Thickness="5" telerik:RadLinearGauge.IndicatorOffset="-10"/>


Rad Gauge-Linear Bar Gauge Indicator

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