Step Line Series


StepLine Series is similar to the Line Series. The difference is that the StepLine Series connects its points through horizontal and vertical line instead of a straight line. The RisersPosition property defines the end of the first and the begining of the second line.

Step Line Series-Overview


StepLineSeries class inherits from the LineSeries class - See the inherited properties.

  • RisersPosition: Gets or sets the RisersPosition that will be used to draw the series.
    • Default: Risers' position depends on the axis' plot mode.
    • OnTicks: Risers will be positioned where the axis' ticks are positioned.
    • BetweenTicks: Risers will be positioned between the axis' ticks.


Here's an example of how to create a RadCartesianChart with StepLineSeries.


        <telerikCharting:CategoricalDataPoint Category="first" Value="10"/>
        <telerikCharting:CategoricalDataPoint Category="second" Value="20"/>
        <telerikCharting:CategoricalDataPoint Category="third" Value="30"/>
        <telerikCharting:CategoricalDataPoint Category="fourth" Value="15"/>


xmlns:telerikChart="using:Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.Chart" and
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