TrackBall Behavior

The ChartTrackBallBehavior can display a vertical line across the chart plot area and also displayvisual indicators (rectangle by default) at points where the trackball line crosses the visualization of a series object.

Rad Chart-Behaviors-Chart Track Ball Behavior


Here are listed all properties exposed by the ChartTrackBallBehavior class:

  • ShowInfo (bool): Determines whether the visual information for all the closest data points will be displayed.
  • ShowIntersectionPoints (bool): Determines whether a visual representation for all the intersection points will be displayed.
  • SnapMode (TrackBallSnapMode): Gets or sets how this behavior should snap to the closest to a physical location data points.
    • None: The trackball will not be snapped to any of the closest data points.
    • ClosestPoint: The behavior will snap to the closest data point, regardless of the chart series that own it.
    • AllClosePoints: The behavior will snap to the closest data points from all chart series.
  • InfoMode (TrackInfoMode): Gets or sets a value indicating whether the track information will displayed be displayed for whole series or individual data points.
    • Multiple: Each series information is displayed in a box on top of the plot area.
    • Individual: A tooltip-like box is displayed next to each intersection data point.
  • TrackInfoTemplate (attached property): Specifies the DataTemplate for the displayed information on a per series/indicator basis. This property has to be attached to a chart series/indicator.
  • IntersectionTemplate (attached property): Specifies the DataTemplate for the intersection point on a per series/indicator basis. This property has to be attached to a chart series/indicator.
  • LineStyle (Style): Gets or sets the Style that defines the appearance of the vertical line that marks the position of the trackball. The Style should target the Polyline type.
  • InfoStyle: Gets or sets the Style that defines the appearance of the TrackInfo control displayed by a ChartTrackBallBehavior instance. The Style should target the TrackBallInfoControl type defined in the Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.Chart.Primitives namespace. >The InfoStyle property affects the Style of the TrackBallInfoControl only when the ChartTrackBallBehavior.InfoMode isMultiple.

And here is the definition of the ChartTrackBallBehavior in XAML:

    <telerikChart:ChartTrackBallBehavior  InfoMode="Multiple"/>

Customization example

This example will demonstrate how you can completely customize the TrackBallInfoBehavior:

  • display custom information about the data item;
  • change the style of the information box;
  • change the style of the line;
  • change the template of the intersection point with the series line.

First, let us create a data class.

public class Data
    public double Value { get; set; }

    public string Category { get; set; }

    public string Info { get; set; }

Here is the definition of the chart control with custom styles for the track ball elements.

<telerikChart:RadCartesianChart x:Name="chart" Width="300" Height="250">
        <telerikChart:CategoricalAxis PlotMode="OnTicksPadded"/>

            <telerikChart:PropertyNameDataPointBinding PropertyName="Category"/>
            <telerikChart:PropertyNameDataPointBinding PropertyName="Value"/>

                    <TextBlock Text="{Binding DataPoint.DataItem.Info}" Margin="5" Foreground="DarkSalmon"/>

                <Ellipse Width="10" Height="10" Fill="Tomato"/>


        <telerikChart:ChartTrackBallBehavior InfoMode="Multiple" ShowIntersectionPoints="True">

                <Style TargetType="Polyline">
                    <Setter Property="Stroke" Value="Tomato"/>
                    <Setter Property="StrokeThickness" Value="2"/>
                    <Setter Property="StrokeDashArray" Value="1,2"/>

                <Style TargetType="telerikChartPrimitives:TrackBallInfoControl">
                    <Setter Property="Background" Value="White"/>


We will also need the following namespaces:


Here we set the ItemsSource of the chart to a collection of Data items.

chart.Series[0].ItemsSource = new ObservableCollection<Data>
    new Data { Value = 10, Category = "car", Info = "car info" },
    new Data { Value = 7, Category = "bus", Info = "bus info" },
    new Data { Value = 6, Category = "train", Info = "train info" },
    new Data { Value = 4, Category = "airplane", Info = "airplane info" }

You can see that in the TrackInfoTemplate we can access the DataPoint and the underlying DataItem as well.

Here is the result.

Rad Chart-Behaviors-Chart Trackball Behavior-Customization

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