
This article describes the buffering mechanism implemented in the RadUpload control.

The files uploaded through the RadUpload are separated in chunks, which get send one by one to the server. The buffer determines the size of the chunks and is measured in bytes. A bigger buffer means faster upload and a bigger chance for timeout. Decreasing the buffer size will also decrease the upload speed. The default value is 100 000 bytes. In order to change the size of the buffer you have to set the desired value to the BufferSize property of the RadUpload.

Example 1: Setting the buffer size

<telerik:RadUpload x:Name="radUpload" 
                   BufferSize="1024" /> 

There are no restrictions on the RadUpload side, but the maximum buffer size can be restricted by the server.

If this is the case, you would have to configure your server to be able to accept larger chunks of data. You can do this from the web.config file by setting a larger maxRequestLength with the following code :

Example 2: Setting up the server

        <httpRuntime  maxRequestLength="10000000" executionTimeout="3600" /> 
        <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0" /> 

To see how to limit the upload speed of the RadUpload via the BufferSize read here.

See Also

In this article