Event Cycles

This topic will explain the order in which the events described in the Overview topic get fired.

  • FileTooLarge, FileCountExceeded, UploadSizeExceeded - these events can get triggered if some of the selected files exceed the predefined criteria.

  • FilesSelected- raises when the user has selected files from the browse dialog window. This is the first of the RadUpload specific events that can be triggered by the actions of the user.

  • UploadStarted - raises when the user clicks the Upload button.

  • FileUploadStarting - raises during the upload of each file.

  • FileUploadFailed, ProgressChanged, FileUploadPaused, FileUploadResumed, FileUploadCanceled - these events can be triggered in different order, depending on the user actions.

  • FileUploaded - raises when the file has been fully uploaded.

  • UploadFinished - raises when all files in the list have been processed, no matter this has been successfully done or not.

See Also

In this article