
This topic aims to get you familiar with all types of colorizers you may use to change the visualization of RadTreeMap/RadPivotMap controls. To know what colorizer is, you may check out our Mappings topic.

Let's get started with creating a sample TreeMap, bound to collection of business objects.

Getting to know how to bind RadTreeMap is beyond the scope of this topic. You may find it explained in Populating With Data RadTreeMap.

Here's our sample TreeMap:

public MainPage() 
  treeMap1.ItemsSource = this.GetData(); 
public List<GdpInfo> GetData() 
    List<GdpInfo> data = new List<GdpInfo>() 
        new GdpInfo(){Country = "Austria", Gdp= 385.1}, 
        new GdpInfo(){Country ="Belgium" , Gdp=468.6}, 
        new GdpInfo(){Country ="Brazil" , Gdp=1749}, 
        new GdpInfo(){Country ="Canada" , Gdp=1565}, 
        new GdpInfo(){Country ="China" , Gdp=5308}, 
        new GdpInfo(){Country ="Denmark" , Gdp=318.1}, 
        new GdpInfo(){Country ="France" , Gdp=2669}, 
        new GdpInfo(){Country ="Germany" , Gdp=3402}, 
        new GdpInfo(){Country ="Greece" , Gdp=329}, 
        new GdpInfo(){Country ="India" , Gdp=1290}, 
        new GdpInfo(){Country ="Indonesia", Gdp=593.3}, 
        new GdpInfo(){Country ="Iran", Gdp=346.6}, 
        new GdpInfo(){Country ="Italy", Gdp=2107}, 
        new GdpInfo(){Country ="Japan", Gdp=5179}, 
        new GdpInfo(){Country ="Mexico", Gdp=1021}, 
        new GdpInfo(){Country ="Netherlands", Gdp=804.7}, 
        new GdpInfo(){Country ="Norway", Gdp=410.3}, 
        new GdpInfo(){Country ="Poland", Gdp=467.3}, 
        new GdpInfo(){Country ="Russia", Gdp=1250}, 
    return data; 
public class GdpInfo 
    public string Country { get; set; } 
    public double Gdp { get; set; } 
Public Sub New() 
    treeMap1.ItemsSource = Me.GetData() 
End Sub 
Public Function GetData() As List(Of GdpInfo) 
    Dim data As New List(Of GdpInfo)() From { 
    New GdpInfo() With {.Country = "Austria", .Gdp= 385.1}, 
    New GdpInfo() With {.Country ="Belgium", .Gdp=468.6}, 
    New GdpInfo() With {.Country ="Brazil", .Gdp=1749}, 
    New GdpInfo() With {.Country ="Canada", .Gdp=1565}, 
    New GdpInfo() With {.Country ="China", .Gdp=5308}, 
    New GdpInfo() With {.Country ="Denmark", .Gdp=318.1}, 
    New GdpInfo() With {.Country ="France", .Gdp=2669}, 
    New GdpInfo() With {.Country ="Germany", .Gdp=3402}, 
    New GdpInfo() With {.Country ="Greece", .Gdp=329}, 
    New GdpInfo() With {.Country ="India", .Gdp=1290}, 
    New GdpInfo() With {.Country ="Indonesia", .Gdp=593.3}, 
    New GdpInfo() With {.Country ="Iran", .Gdp=346.6}, 
    New GdpInfo() With {.Country ="Italy", .Gdp=2107}, 
    New GdpInfo() With {.Country ="Japan", .Gdp=5179}, 
    New GdpInfo() With {.Country ="Mexico", .Gdp=1021}, 
    New GdpInfo() With {.Country ="Netherlands", .Gdp=804.7}, 
    New GdpInfo() With {.Country ="Norway", .Gdp=410.3}, 
    New GdpInfo() With {.Country ="Poland", .Gdp=467.3}, 
    New GdpInfo() With {.Country ="Russia", .Gdp=1250}} 
    Return data 
End Function 
Public Class GdpInfo 
    Public Property Country() As String 
    Public Property Gdp() As Double 
End Class 

<telerik:RadTreeMap x:Name="treeMap1" LayoutStrategy="Squarified" BorderThickness="1" BorderBrush="#FF5F031C"> 
        <telerik:TypeDefinition TargetTypeName="GdpInfo"  
                                ToolTipFormat="{}{0:C2} mln" > 

The result si shown bellow: Rad Tree Map radtreemap colorizer 0


A colorizer, which contains a set of GradientStops. It chooses the brush to be applied according to the RadTreeMapItem's value and colorizer's gradient stops. Each GradientStop.Offset value can be absolute or relative (between 0 and 1) depending on the IsAbsolute property value. Note that the RangeMinimum and RangeMaximum properties are set the same as the min and max values of the RadTreeMapItem-s.

    <telerik:ValueGradientColorizer RangeMinimum="318" RangeMaximum="5310"> 
        <GradientStop Offset="0" Color="#FFFFD000" /> 
        <GradientStop Offset="0.50" Color="#FFD11010" /> 
        <GradientStop Offset="1" Color="#de290b" /> 

Rad Tree Map radtreemap colorizer 1


This colorizer contains a set of RangeBrush objects. It chooses the brush to be applied according to the RadTreeMapItem value, set by the ValuePath property of the TreeMap and the From and To values of each RangeBrush. The values of each RangeBrush can be absolute or relative (between 0 and 1) depending on the IsAbsolute property value.

    <SolidColorBrush Color="#FFE10000" x:Key="Thousand" /> 
    <SolidColorBrush Color="#FFF5A4A4" x:Key="TwoThousand" /> 
    <SolidColorBrush Color="#FFBDDDFF" x:Key="ThreeThousand"/> 
    <SolidColorBrush Color="#FF87C2FF" x:Key="FourThousand" /> 
    <SolidColorBrush Color="#FF0C6BBF" x:Key="FiveThousand" /> 
    <telerik:RangeBrushCollection x:Key="ColorizerBrushes"> 
        <telerik:RangeBrush Brush="{StaticResource Thousand}" From="0" To="999" /> 
        <telerik:RangeBrush Brush="{StaticResource TwoThousand}" From="1000" To="2000"  /> 
        <telerik:RangeBrush Brush="{StaticResource ThreeThousand}" From="2001" To="3000" /> 
        <telerik:RangeBrush Brush="{StaticResource FourThousand}" From="4000" To="5000" /> 
        <telerik:RangeBrush Brush="{StaticResource FiveThousand}" From="5001" To="6000"  /> 
    <telerik:ValueBrushColorizer IsAbsolute="True" ValuePath="Gdp" RangeMinimum="318" RangeMaximum="5310" 
                                 Brushes="{StaticResource ColorizerBrushes}"> 

Rad Tree Map radtreemap colorizer 2

Here's an example of the same colorizer with relative colors (IsAbsolute property is turned off):

    <SolidColorBrush Color="#FFE10000" x:Key="Thousand" /> 
    <SolidColorBrush Color="#FFF5A4A4" x:Key="TwoThousand" /> 
    <SolidColorBrush Color="#FFBDDDFF" x:Key="ThreeThousand"/> 
    <SolidColorBrush Color="#FF87C2FF" x:Key="FourThousand" /> 
    <SolidColorBrush Color="#FF0C6BBF" x:Key="FiveThousand" /> 
    <telerik:RangeBrushCollection x:Key="ColorizerBrushes"> 
        <telerik:RangeBrush Brush="{StaticResource FourThousand}" From="0" To="0.5" /> 
        <telerik:RangeBrush Brush="{StaticResource FiveThousand}" From="0.6" To="1"  /> 
    <telerik:ValueBrushColorizer IsAbsolute="False"  
                                 Brushes="{StaticResource ColorizerBrushes}"> 

Rad Tree Map radtreemap colorizer 3


It reduces the level of saturation of a given StartColor depending on the RadTreeMapItem value. The level of desaturation can be controlled using From and To properties.

    <telerik:DesaturationColorizer From="1" To="0.2" StartColor="#69C7D3"/> 

Rad Tree Map radtreemap colorizer 4

Palette Colorizer

Colorizes RadTreeMap per predefined collection of Brush objects.

    <telerik:PaletteBrushes x:Key="ColorizerBrushes"> 
        <SolidColorBrush Color="#69C7D3" /> 
        <SolidColorBrush Color="#B1E292" /> 
        <SolidColorBrush Color="#D2B4E2" /> 
        <SolidColorBrush Color="#A2D7F0" /> 
        <SolidColorBrush Color="#E8D982" /> 
        <SolidColorBrush Color="#BBDBC6" /> 
    <telerik:PaletteColorizer Brushes="{StaticResource ColorizerBrushes}" /> 

Rad Tree Map radtreemap colorizer 5

Brush Colorizer

Paints RadTreeMapItem by the color set via brush. You may control the target of the coloring by TargetPropertyName property as shown below.

    <telerik:BrushColorizer Brush="#F0B32D" />  
    <telerik:BrushColorizer Brush="#D2412C" TargetPropertyName="BorderBrush" /> 

Rad Tree Map radtreemap colorizer 6

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