Required Parts

The control template of RadProgressBar contains a number of elements needed for the correct functioning of the control. This section will explain the structure of the RadProgressBar's template. Here is a snapshot of the template generated in Expression Blend.

Rad Progress Bar Template Structure

Here is a short description of some of the elements included in the default control template:

  • [Grid] - is of type Grid and represents the layout root for the template.

    • transformationRoot - a LayoutTransformControl that hosts the RadProgressBar template elements.

      • Root - this Grid element servers as the container wrapping all other elements in the control template.

        • ProgressBarTrack - this Border element serves as the "empty" area of the ProgressBar which indicates the yet unfilled portion of the monitored operation.
        • ProgressBarRootGrid - this Grid element is used for positioning the elements it contains.

          • ProgressBarRootGradient - this element is used for styling purposes.

          • IndeterminateRoot - this Grid element contains all elements needed for the default visualization of the indeterminate state of the control.

            • IndeterminateSolidFill - this element is used for styling purposes.
            • IndeterminateradientFill - this element is used for styling purposes.
          • DeterminateRoot - this Grid element contains all elements needed for the default visualization of the determinate state of the control.

            • SkipValueSpacer- this element is used when the SkipValue property is set.
            • ProgressBarIndicator - this element is used for rendering the current progress(value) in the control.
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