Cross-Version Support

When serializing an object the PersistenceFramework takes the concrete version of the assembly where the specific class is stored and saves it in the serialization info (see Example 1). If you reference a different version of the assembly that holds the serialized object and try to deserialize it, an exception will be thrown and the object's state won't be restored.

Example 1: RadButton instance type stored in the serialization XML

<string>Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadButton, Telerik.Windows.Controls, Version=2018.3.619.40, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7</string> 
There are two mechanisms that can be used to resolve this.


The AllowCrossVersion property gives you the ability to serialize Telerik controls with one version and deserialize them with another version. To enable this set the property to True.

Example 2: Setting AllowCrossVersion

PersistenceManager manager = new PersistenceManager(); 
manager.AllowCrossVersion = true; 

This is applicable only for Telerik controls.


The TypeRestored event allows you to manually restore the type of the deserialized object. This can be used as an alternative to the AllowCrossVersion property. Additionally, the event is useful if you migrate to a newer version of the .NET framework and there is a native type stored with the previous version.

Example 3: Using the TypeRestored event

private void SubscribeToTypeRestored() 
    PersistenceManager manager = new PersistenceManager(); 
    manager.TypeRestored += OnPresistenceManagerTypeRestored; 
private void OnPresistenceManagerTypeRestored(object sender, Telerik.Windows.Persistence.Events.TypeRestoredEventArgs e) 
    if (e.Type == null) 
        var assemblyName = e.AssemblyQualifiedName.Substring(0, e.AssemblyQualifiedName.IndexOf(", Version")); 
        e.Type = Type.GetType(assemblyName); 

See Also

In this article