
The built-in localization mechanism in Silverlight allows you to localize the RadExpressionEditor control.

Here is a list of the supported languages:

  • English
  • German
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Italian
  • Dutch
  • Turkish

[Figure 1]: Some of RadExpressionEditor`s localized resources:

RadExpressionEditor Localization

To learn more about the ways to localize the RadControls please read the common topic on Localization.

In order to dynamically localize the RadExpressionEditor at runtime, you should recreate it.

Resource Keys

In order to be able to distinguish the resources within RadExpressionEditor, an unique identifier, called resource key, is assigned to each localizable string.

Below you can find a list of all of the Resources available and their default values:

Key Value
ExpressionEditor_Aggregate Aggregate                                                             
ExpressionEditor_Constants Constants
ExpressionEditor_DateTime Date-time
ExpressionEditor_Fields Fields
ExpressionEditor_Functions Functions
ExpressionEditor_InsertTextCommand_Description Insert text
ExpressionEditor_Logical Logical
ExpressionEditor_Math Math
ExpressionEditor_Operators Operators
ExpressionEditor_Other Other
ExpressionEditor_Text Text

See Also

In this article