Display Modes

If you are new to the RadDataPager control, you can consider reading the Getting Started topic before continuing.

The RadDataPager allows you to decide which of its visual elements to be visible. This is done via the PagerDisplayModes enumeration and the DisplayMode property.

The enumeration has the following values:

  • First - the go to first page button is displayed.

  • FirstLastNumeric - the go to first and last page buttons and the numeric buttons are displayed

  • FirstLastPreviousNext - the go to first and last page buttons and go to previous and next page buttons are displayed

  • FirstLastPreviousNextNumeric - same as above, but in addition the numeric buttons are also displayed

  • Last - the go to last page button is displayed

  • Next - the go to next page button is displayed

  • Numeric - only the numeric buttons are displayed

  • Previous - the go to previous page button is displayed

  • PreviousNext - the go to previous and next page buttons are displayed

  • PreviousNextNumeric - the go to previous and next page buttons are displayed, and in addition the numeric buttons are also displayed

  • Text - only the textbox and the label are displayed

  • All (default) - all buttons are displayed

Here is an example of a RadDataPager that displays the previous, next and numeric buttons.

<telerik:RadDataPager x:Name="radDataPager" 
                        DisplayMode="PreviousNextNumeric" /> 

Silverlight RadDataPager DisplayMode PreviousNextNumeric

If the combination of visual elements doesn't exist in the enumeration, you can combine one or more enumeration values. This is done by separating the values with a coma. Here is an example:

<telerik:RadDataPager x:Name="radDataPager" 
                        DisplayMode="PreviousNext,Text" /> 

Silverlight RadDataPager DisplayMode PreviousNext and Text

See Also

In this article