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Class DateTimeContinuousAxis

Represents a date-time continuous axis within a cartesian chart. This axis inherits properties form LinearAxis with some specifics. The minimum and maximum properties can be initialized with string in format "dd/MM/yyyy" or with a Date class instance. The majorStep property should use values exported from module DateTimeComponent.







allowPan: boolean

Enables the pan gesture on the axis.


allowZoom: boolean

Enables chart zoom gesture on the axis.


dateFormat: string

Gets or sets the date display format string for axes labels.


hidden: boolean

Gets or sets the visibility status of axis.


horizontalLocation: string

Gets or sets the horizontal location of the axis. Use values exported from AxisHorizontalLocation.


id: string

Gets or sets the id for this axis.


ios: any


labelFitMode: string

Gets or sets the fit mode for axis labels. Use exported values from AxisLabelFitMode.


labelFormat: string

Gets or sets the format of the labels displayed by the axis.


labelLayoutMode: string

Gets or sets the layout mode for axis labels. Use exported values from AxisLabelLayoutMode.


labelLayoutModeProperty: Property

Identifies the labelLayoutMode dependency property.


labelMargin: number

Gets or sets the margin of axis label.


labelRotationAngle: number

Gets or sets the rotation angle for axis labels. Requires "Rotation" fit mode for labelFitMode property to be set.


labelSize: number

Gets or sets the size of the text labels displayed by the axis.


labelTextColor: string

Gets or sets the color of the labels displayed by the chart.


lineColor: string

Gets or sets the color of the axis line.


lineHidden: boolean

Gets or sets if the axis line is hidden.


lineThickness: number

Gets or sets the thickness of the axis line.


majorStep: string

Gets or sets major tick mark frequency for the axis. In case of DateTimeContinuousAxis you should use values exported from module DateTimeComponent.


maximum: any

Gets or sets a user-defined maximum for the axis. In case of linear axis with numeric values you should use number as a value. In case of DateTimeCategoricalAxis or DateTimeContinuousAxis axis you can specify the minimum value as string in format "dd/MM/yyyy" or with a Date object.


minimum: any

Gets or sets a user-defined minimum for the axis. In case of linear axis with numeric values you should use number as a value. In case of DateTimeCategoricalAxis or DateTimeContinuousAxis axis you can specify the minimum value as string in format "dd/MM/yyyy" or with a Date object.


plotMode: string

Gets or sets plot mode for the axis. Use AxisPlotMode module for possible values.


verticalLocation: string

Gets or sets the vertical location of the axis. Use values exported from AxisVerticalLocation.

Static allowPanProperty

allowPanProperty: Property

Identifies the allowPan dependency property.

Static allowZoomProperty

allowZoomProperty: Property

Identifies the allowZoom dependency property.

Static dateFormatProperty

dateFormatProperty: Property

Identifies the dateFormat dependency property.

Static hiddenProperty

hiddenProperty: Property

Identifies the hidden dependency property.

Static horizontalLocationProperty

horizontalLocationProperty: Property

Identifies the horizontalLocation dependency property.

Static idProperty

idProperty: Property

Identifies the id dependency property of each axis.

Static labelFitModeProperty

labelFitModeProperty: Property

Identifies the labelFitMode dependency property.

Static labelFormatProperty

labelFormatProperty: Property

Identifies the labelFormat dependency property.

Static labelMarginProperty

labelMarginProperty: Property

Identifies the labelMargin dependency property.

Static labelRotationAngleProperty

labelRotationAngleProperty: Property

Identifies the labelRotationAngle dependency property.

Static labelSizeProperty

labelSizeProperty: Property

Identifies the labelSize dependency property.

Static labelTextColorProperty

labelTextColorProperty: Property

Identifies the labelTextColor dependency property.

Static lineColorProperty

lineColorProperty: Property

Identifies the lineColor dependency property.

Static lineHiddenProperty

lineHiddenProperty: Property

Identifies the lineHidden dependency property.

Static lineThicknessProperty

lineThicknessProperty: Property

Identifies the lineThickness dependency property.

Static majorStepProperty

majorStepProperty: Property

Identifies the majorStep dependency property.

Static maximumProperty

maximumProperty: Property

Identifies the maximum dependency property.

Static minimumProperty

minimumProperty: Property

Identifies the minimum dependency property.

Static plotModeProperty

plotModeProperty: Property

Identifies the plotMode dependency property.

Static verticalLocationProperty

verticalLocationProperty: Property

Identifies the verticalLocation dependency property.

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