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The Returns method is used with non void calls to ignore the actual call and return a custom value. This topic goes through a number of scenarios where the Returns method is useful. For them, we will be using the following interface:

public interface IFoo 
    int Bar { get; set; } 
    int Echo(int myInt); 
    int Execute(int myInt1, int myInt2); 
Public Interface IFoo 
    Function Execute(ByVal int1 As Integer, ByVal int2 As Integer) 
    Property Bar As Integer 
    Function Echo(ByVal int As Integer) As Integer 
End Interface 

You may additionally want to check theCreate Mocks By Example article.

Assert Property Get Call

With Returns method you can change the return value from a property get call.

public void ShouldAssertPropertyGetCall() 
    // Arrange 
    var foo = Mock.Create<IFoo>(); 
    Mock.Arrange(() => foo.Bar).Returns(10); 
    // Act 
    var actual = 0; 
    actual = foo.Bar; 
    // Assert 
    Assert.AreEqual(10, actual); 
Public Sub ShouldAssertPropertyGetCall() 
    ' Arrange 
    Dim foo = Mock.Create(Of IFoo)() 
    Mock.Arrange(Function() foo.Bar).Returns(10) 
    ' Act 
    Dim actual = 0 
    actual = foo.Bar 
    ' Assert 
    Assert.AreEqual(10, actual) 
End Sub 

In this example we arrange the Bar property get to return 10 when called. By acting with actual = foo.Bar; we assign 10 to actual, as foo.Bar will result in 10. Finally, a verification is asserted.

Assert Method Call with Matcher

A common case is to mock a method call to return a custom value in conjunction with a matcher.

public void ShouldAssertMethodCallWithMatcher1() 
    // Arrange 
    var foo = Mock.Create<IFoo>(); 
    Mock.Arrange(() => foo.Echo(Arg.IsAny<int>())).Returns((int i) => ++i); 
    // Act 
    var actual = foo.Echo(10);  
    // Assert 
    Assert.AreEqual(11, actual); 
Public Sub ShouldAssertMethodCallWithMatcher1() 
    ' Arrange 
    Dim foo = Mock.Create(Of IFoo)() 
    Mock.Arrange(Function() foo.Echo(Arg.IsAny(Of Integer)())).Returns(Function(i As Integer) System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(i)) 
    ' Act 
    Dim actual = foo.Echo(10) 
    ' Assert 
    Assert.AreEqual(11, actual) 
End Sub 

Here we use an Arg.IsAny matcher for the call to match calls to foo.Echo with any int argument. In the Returns method, instead of using a simple int value, we use a function to return the passed value incremented with 1.

You may also use a more complicated matcher. For example, you can make arrangement for passing exactly 10 to Echo method. With the following line of code we return exactly what has been passed:

public void ShouldAssertMethodCallWithMatcher2() 
    // Arrange 
    var foo = Mock.Create<IFoo>(); 
    Mock.Arrange(() => foo.Echo(Arg.Matches<int>(x => x == 10))).Returns((int i) => i); 
    // Act 
    var actual = foo.Echo(10); 
    // Assert 
    Assert.AreEqual(10, actual); 
Public Sub ShouldAssertMethodCallWithMatcher2() 
    ' Arrange 
    Dim foo = Mock.Create(Of IFoo)() 
    Mock.Arrange(Function() foo.Echo(Arg.Matches(Of Integer)(Function(x) x = 10))).Returns(Function(i As Integer) i) 
    ' Act 
    Dim actual As Integer = foo.Echo(10) 
    ' Assert 
    Assert.AreEqual(10, actual) 
End Sub 

The following example mocks the Execute method so that it returns its second argument. We use lambda expression in the Returns body to select the desired argument. After we have arranged we act by calling foo.Execute(100, 10) and verify that it has returned actually what we expect, namely 10. Additionally, we verify that a call with any int as first argument and exactly 10 as second has been made.

public void ShouldReturnWhateverSecondArgIs() 
    // Arrange 
    var foo = Mock.Create<IFoo>(); 
    Mock.Arrange(() => foo.Execute(Arg.IsAny<int>(), Arg.IsAny<int>())).Returns((int id, int i) => i); 
    // Act, Assert 
    Assert.AreEqual(foo.Execute(100, 10), 10); 
    Mock.Assert(() => foo.Execute(Arg.IsAny<int>(), Arg.Matches<int>(x => x == 10))); 
Public Sub ShouldReturnWhateverSecondArgIs() 
    ' Arrange 
    Dim foo = Mock.Create(Of IFoo)() 
    Mock.Arrange(Function() foo.Execute(Arg.AnyInt, Arg.AnyInt)).Returns(Function(id As Integer, i As Integer) i) 
    ' Act, Assert 
    Assert.AreEqual(foo.Execute(100, 10), 10) 
    Mock.Assert(Sub() foo.Execute(Arg.AnyInt, Arg.Matches(Of Integer)(Function(x) x = 10))) 
End Sub 

Refer to the Matchers help topic for more information about using matchers.

Executing Mocked Method In Same Test Method

Assume we have the following class:

public class Foo 
    public int Echo(int myInt) 
        throw new NotImplementedException(); 
Public Class Foo 
    Public Function Echo(num As Integer) As Integer 
        Throw New NotImplementedException 
    End Function 
End Class 

JustMock supports executing mocked method in same test method without necessarily passing the type as an argument.

public void ShouldExecuteMockForSameInstanceInSameContext() 
    // Arrange 
    var foo = Mock.Create<Foo>(); 
    Mock.Arrange(() => foo.Echo(Arg.AnyInt)).IgnoreInstance().Returns((int arg1) => arg1); 
    // Assert 
    Assert.AreEqual(new Foo().Echo(10), 10); 
Public Sub ShouldExecuteMockForSameInstanceInSameContext() 
    ' Arrange 
    Dim foo = Mock.Create(Of Foo)() 
    Mock.Arrange(Function() foo.Echo(Arg.AnyInt)).IgnoreInstance().Returns(Function(arg1 As Integer) arg1) 
    ' Assert 
    Assert.AreEqual(New Foo().Echo(10), 10) 
End Sub 

In this example, Echo is called on a new Foo instance, instead of a mocked one. However, the arrangement is applied.

See Also

In this article