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Silverlight Mocking

Telerik® JustMock enables you to mock classes/members from Silverlight assemblies. With JustMock you can mock almost everything (from interfaces, virtual and abstract methods and properties to sealed classes, non-virtual methods and properties, static classes, methods and properties, etc.) right within the Silverlight project.

As JustMock comes in two versions (Commercial vs Free Version, there are also number of possible ways to apply mocking inside/to your Silverlight tests/assemblies:

Since R3 2018 Silverlight is in maintanance mode meaning that it wont be included in the newer versions and if needed only critical problems will be fixed. Please submit a support ticket in our support ticketing system if you have any questions.

Mocking without Profiler inside Silverlight Projects

This approach is possible with both the free and commercial versions of JustMock.

In this mode you are able to mock only interfaces, virtual and abstract methods and properties. For this, you only need to refer the Telerik.JustMock.Silverlight.dll (it can be found in the JustMock root folder, under "Libraries") from your Silverlight test project.

Example: Arranging a void call that must be called

public interface IMyInterface 
    void DoSomething(); 
public class MyClass:IMyInterface 
    public void DoSomething() 
        throw new NotImplementedException(); 
public class ClassUnderTest 
    private IMyInterface Dependency; 
    public ClassUnderTest(IMyInterface interf) 
        this.Dependency = interf; 
    public void CallDoSomething() 
public void ShouldMockVoidCall() 
    // Arrange 
    var mockedInterface = Mock.Create<IMyInterface>(); 
    Mock.Arrange(() => mockedInterface.DoSomething()).DoNothing().MustBeCalled(); 
    // Act 
    var myTestClass = new ClassUnderTest(mockedInterface); 
    // Assert 
Public Interface IMyInterface 
    Sub DoSomething() 
End Interface 
Public Class [MyClass] 
    Implements IMyInterface 
    Public Sub DoSomething() Implements IMyInterface.DoSomething 
        Throw New NotImplementedException() 
    End Sub 
End Class 
Public Class ClassUnderTest 
    Private Dependency As IMyInterface 
    Public Sub New(interf As IMyInterface) 
        Me.Dependency = interf 
    End Sub 
    Public Sub CallDoSomething() 
    End Sub 
End Class 
<TestMethod()> _ 
Public Sub ShouldMockVoidCall() 
    ' Arrange 
    Dim mockedInterface = Mock.Create(Of IMyInterface)() 
    Mock.Arrange(Sub() mockedInterface.DoSomething()).DoNothing().MustBeCalled() 
    ' Act 
    Dim myTestClass = New ClassUnderTest(mockedInterface) 
    ' Assert 
End Sub 

Mocking with Enabled Profiler inside Silverlight Projects

This is an Elevated Feature. Refer to this topic to learn more about the differences between both the commercial and free versions of Telerik JustMock.

In this mode you are able to mock everything inside your Silverlight application, even sealed classes, non-virtual methods and properties, static classes, methods and properties and more.


To use elevated mocking you first need to go to elevated mode by enabling JustMock from the menu. How to Enable/Disable

We suggest to follow the next steps in order to set your Silverlight test project for elevated mocking:

  1. Start by refering the "Telerik.JustMock.Silverlight" assembly to the test project. It can be found in the JustMock root folder, under "Libraries".
  2. Then, you will have to make some additional configurations to your test project. There are several options:

    • (Recommended) Having your test project set as a startup project of the whole solution, we also recommend to enable its execution out of browser:

    Silverlight Mocking Enable RunningOOB

    If the above is completed, you might also need to set your test project start action to "Out-of-browser application": Silverlight Mocking Set Start Action

    • If you don`t want to run your test application out of browser, then you will need to take additional steps to run the application in-browser.

      • Internet Explorer 6 - no additional steps necessary

      • Internet Explorer 7 and above - Protected Mode must be disabled. Either disable it for the Internet security zone or run your test application in the Intranet security zone.

      • Any other browser - you will have to manually terminate all browser instances right before test execution.

    • Another option is to execute your test via the command prompt with the JustMockRunner, just as described here.

  3. After everything is set, you can start writting elevated tests for your Silverlight application.

Example: Removing dependency with faking HtmlDocument

public class MyUsingHtmlDocumentClass 
    private HtmlDocument myHtmlDoc; 
    public MyUsingHtmlDocumentClass(HtmlDocument doc) 
        this.myHtmlDoc = doc; 
    public string IsMyHtmlDocReady() 
        if (myHtmlDoc.IsReady) 
            return "Document ready!"; 
        return "Document NOT ready!"; 
public void ShouldFakeHtmlDocumentIsReady() 
    // Arrange 
    var htmlDocumentFake = Mock.Create<HtmlDocument>(); 
    Mock.Arrange(() => htmlDocumentFake.IsReady).Returns(true); 
    // Act 
    var myTestClass = new MyUsingHtmlDocumentClass(htmlDocumentFake); 
    var actualResult = myTestClass.IsMyHtmlDocReady(); 
    // Assert 
    Assert.AreEqual("Document ready!", actualResult); 
Public Class MyUsingHtmlDocumentClass 
    Private myHtmlDoc As HtmlDocument 
    Public Sub New(doc As HtmlDocument) 
        Me.myHtmlDoc = doc 
    End Sub 
    Public Function IsMyHtmlDocReady() As String 
        If myHtmlDoc.IsReady Then 
            Return "Document ready!" 
        End If 
        Return "Document NOT ready!" 
    End Function 
End Class 
<TestMethod()> _ 
Public Sub ShouldFakeHtmlDocumentIsReady() 
    ' Arrange 
    Dim htmlDocumentFake = Mock.Create(Of HtmlDocument)() 
    Mock.Arrange(Function() htmlDocumentFake.IsReady).Returns(True) 
    ' Act 
    Dim myTestClass = New MyUsingHtmlDocumentClass(htmlDocumentFake) 
    Dim actualResult = myTestClass.IsMyHtmlDocReady() 
    ' Assert 
    Assert.AreEqual("Document ready!", actualResult) 
End Sub 

Example: Faking MsCorlib DateTime.Now property

public void ShouldMockDateTimeNowInSilverlightProject() 
    // Arrange 
    Mock.Arrange(()=>DateTime.Now).Returns(new DateTime(2000, 2, 20)); 
    // Act 
    var actual = DateTime.Now; 
    // Assert 
    Assert.AreEqual(2000, actual.Year); 
    Assert.AreEqual(2, actual.Month); 
    Assert.AreEqual(20, actual.Day); 
Public Sub ShouldMockDateTimeNowInSilverlightProject() 
    ' Arrange 
    Mock.Arrange(Function() DateTime.Now).Returns(New DateTime(2000, 2, 20)) 
    ' Act 
    Dim actual = DateTime.Now 
    ' Assert 
    Assert.AreEqual(2000, actual.Year) 
    Assert.AreEqual(2, actual.Month) 
    Assert.AreEqual(20, actual.Day) 
End Sub 

Testing Silverlight Assemblies in Full .NET Projects

If your Silverlight application or class library is in a full .NET solution, you could easily test it with JustMock by following these steps:

  1. Start by adding new "JustMock Test Project" to the solution.
  2. Replace the existing references with their Silverlight versions.

    For example, "System.DLL" should be replaced with the "System.DLL", in most cases coming from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\Silverlight\v5.0\System.dll".

    You can also replace the "Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework" with any other testing framework, like NUnit or MbUnit.

  3. Further, you should add a reference to the Silverlight project, you will be testing.
  4. Finally, you are ready to start writing unit tests against your Silverlight application or class library.
In this article