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Mocking DLL Imports

In elevated mode, you can use Telerik® JustMock to mock imported functions (decorated with the [DLLImport()] attribute).

This feature is available only in the commercial version of Telerik JustMock. Refer to this topic to learn more about the differences between both the commercial and free versions of Telerik JustMock.

In the next examples we will use the following sample class to test:

public class Foo 
    public static extern int GetCurrentProcessId(); 
    [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] 
    public static extern int MessageBox 
       (IntPtr hWnd, String text, String caption, uint type); 
    private static extern bool IsWow64Process(); 
    public string FormatCurrentProcessId() 
        var myPId = GetCurrentProcessId(); 
        string returnValue = string.Format("The current process ID is {0}", myPId); 
        return returnValue; 
    public void Start() 
        var msgBoxRet = MessageBox(new IntPtr(0), "Process Starts Now!", "Message Dialog", 0); 
        throw new NotImplementedException(); 
    public string Is64BitProcessMessage() 
        bool is64Bit = IsWow64Process(); 
        if (is64Bit) 
            return string.Format("This is a 64 bit process!"); 
        return string.Format("This is a 32 bit process!"); 
Public Class Foo 
    Public Shared Function GetCurrentProcessId() As Integer 
    End Function 
    <DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Auto)> 
    Public Shared Function MessageBox(hWnd As IntPtr, text As [String], caption As [String], type As UInteger) As Integer 
    End Function 
    Private Shared Function IsWow64Process() As Boolean 
    End Function 
    Public Function FormatCurrentProcessId() As String 
        Dim myPId = GetCurrentProcessId() 
        Dim returnValue As String = String.Format("The current process ID is {0}", myPId) 
        Return returnValue 
    End Function 
    Public Sub Start() 
        Dim msgBoxRet = MessageBox(New IntPtr(0), "Process Starts Now!", "Message Dialog", 0) 
        Throw New NotImplementedException() 
    End Sub 
    Public Function Is64BitProcessMessage() As String 
        Dim is64Bit As Boolean = IsWow64Process() 
        If is64Bit Then 
            Return String.Format("This is a 64 bit process!") 
        End If 
        Return String.Format("This is a 32 bit process!") 
    End Function 
End Class 

To mock DLL imported members and types you first need to go to elevated mode by enabling JustMock from the menu. Learn how to do that in the How to Enable/Disable Telerik JustMock topic.

Mocking the Standard DLL Import


TelerikJustMock will not instrument assemblies, containing only DLL import functions.

We will start by testing the FormatCurrentProcessId function. As you can see, this method is getting the current process ID, formatting it in a way and finally returning the formatted string. To write the necessary tests for these units should not be hard. You will need:

  1. To pass certain parameters.
  2. To execute the function.
  3. To check if the results are the same as the expected.

The interesting part comes right with the first point.

How can you control the current process ID?

In the past this was achieved by wrapping the static GetCurrentProcessId method and arranging against the wrapper. However, this can become a tiresome operation.

With JustMock you are now able to directly arrange against the imported method just as you are arranging static functions (check Static Mocking for more details).

Next is an example, demonstrating how easy is to arrange functions, decorated with the [DLLImport()] attribute:

public void FormatCurrentProcessId_OnExecute_ShouldReturnExpected() 
    var expected = 3500; 
    // Arrange 
    Mock.Arrange(() => Foo.GetCurrentProcessId()).Returns(expected); 
    // Act 
    var myFoo = new Foo(); 
    var actual = myFoo.FormatCurrentProcessId(); 
    // Assert 
    Assert.AreEqual(string.Format("The current process ID is {0}", expected), actual); 
Public Sub FormatCurrentProcessId_OnExecute_ShouldReturnExpected() 
    Dim expected = 3500 
    ' Arrange 
    Mock.Arrange(Function() Foo.GetCurrentProcessId()).Returns(expected) 
    ' Act 
    Dim myFoo = New Foo() 
    Dim actual = myFoo.FormatCurrentProcessId() 
    ' Assert 
    Assert.AreEqual(String.Format("The current process ID is {0}", expected), actual) 
End Sub 

Here we setup that Foo.GetCurrentProcessId() should return expected value when called. Thus we override the original method behavior with a one that we specify. Then we act against our method under test. And finally we assert the expectations.

Isolating the System Under Test

Let's assume we need to isolate certain function which is depending on an extern imported method. Such is the Start method from our example (Foo) class. In it, we aim to execute some process, but warn with message before that. To test the execution logic (which in this case is insignificant), we will need to prevent the showing of the MessageBox. Again, using the commercial version of JustMock you are able to arrange directly against it, like so:

public void Start_OnExecute_ShouldThrowNotImplementedException() 
    // Arrange 
    Mock.Arrange(() => Foo.MessageBox(Arg.IsAny<IntPtr>(), Arg.AnyString, Arg.AnyString, Arg.IsAny<uint>())).DoNothing(); 
    // Act 
    var myFoo = new Foo(); 
Public Sub Start_OnExecute_ShouldThrowNotImplementedException() 
    ' Arrange 
    Mock.Arrange(Function() Foo.MessageBox(Arg.IsAny(Of IntPtr)(), Arg.AnyString, Arg.AnyString, Arg.IsAny(Of UInteger)())).DoNothing() 
    ' Act 
    Dim myFoo = New Foo() 
End Sub 

Here we specify that when Foo.MessageBox is called it should do nothing. Note that we are using the same matchers as in any other JustMock arrangement. Having this, we can continue with the rest of our test.

Mock Private DLL Import

In many cases, you will find that the imported method/member needs to be set to non-public (private, protected, internal, etc.). Such scenarios is applied in the Is64BitProcessMessage() method from our example (Foo) class. To test this function we will directly arrange against the imported method, but using the Mocking LINQ Queries feature of JustMock.

Here are the complete tests:

public void Is64BitProcessMessage_On64BitExecute_ShouldReturnExpected() 
    // Arrange 
    Mock.NonPublic.Arrange<bool>(typeof(Foo), "IsWow64Process").Returns(true); 
    // Act 
    var myFoo = new Foo(); 
    var actual = myFoo.Is64BitProcessMessage(); 
    // Assert 
    Assert.AreEqual("This is a 64 bit process!", actual); 
Public Sub Is64BitProcessMessage_On64BitExecute_ShouldReturnExpected() 
    ' Arrange 
    Mock.NonPublic.Arrange(Of Boolean)(GetType(Foo), "IsWow64Process").Returns(True) 
    ' Act 
    Dim myFoo = New Foo() 
    Dim actual = myFoo.Is64BitProcessMessage() 
    ' Assert 
    Assert.AreEqual("This is a 64 bit process!", actual) 
End Sub 

public void Is64BitProcessMessage_On32BitExecute_ShouldReturnExpected() 
    // Arrange 
    Mock.NonPublic.Arrange<bool>(typeof(Foo), "IsWow64Process").Returns(false); 
    // Act 
    var myFoo = new Foo(); 
    var actual = myFoo.Is64BitProcessMessage(); 
    // Assert 
    Assert.AreEqual("This is a 32 bit process!", actual); 
Public Sub Is64BitProcessMessage_On32BitExecute_ShouldReturnExpected() 
    ' Arrange 
    Mock.NonPublic.Arrange(Of Boolean)(GetType(Foo), "IsWow64Process").Returns(False) 
    ' Act 
    Dim myFoo = New Foo() 
    Dim actual = myFoo.Is64BitProcessMessage() 
    ' Assert 
    Assert.AreEqual("This is a 32 bit process!", actual) 
End Sub 

Note that, in this case we are mocking a non-public, static, imported function. This clearly shows what can be achieved and on what cost, with JustMock.

See Also

In this article