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RadTabStrip Object

The table below lists the most important methods of the client-side RadTabStrip object. Many significant methods for performing common tasks such as adding, inserting and removing tabs are actually performed using the RadTabCollection object.

Name Parameters Return Type Description
trackChanges none none Begins tracking changes to the tabs. Only changes to the tabs that occur between a call to trackChanges and commitChanges persist after a postback. See Example 1.
commitChanges none none Ends tracking changes to the tabs. Only changes to the tabs that occur between a call to trackChanges and commitChanges persist after a postback. See Example 1.
disable none none Disables all tabs in the tab strip. Clicking on any tab has no effect, child tabs cannot be opened. See Example 2.
enable none none Enables all tabs in the tab strip. See Example 3.
set_enabled bool none Enables or disables all tabs in the tab strip. See Example 2 and Example 3.
get_enabled none boolean True if the tab strip is enabled. To enable a tab strip, use the enable() or set_enabled(true) methods.
findTabByValue string RadTab Returns the first RadTab object whose Value property is equal to the passed parameter.
findTabByText string RadTab Returns the first RadTab object whose Text property is equal to the passed parameter.
findTabByUrl string RadTab Returns the first RadTab object whose NavigateUrl property is equal to the passed parameter.
findTabByAbsoluteUrl string RadTab Returns the first RadTab object whose NavigateUrl property is equal to the passed parameter. Note that the parameter should end with '/' like: '';
findTabByAttribute string attributeName, string value) RadTab Returns the first RadTab object with a custom attribute of the specified name that has the specified value.
repaint none none Redraws the RadTabStrip control
get_tabs none RadTabCollection Returns the collection of root level tabs. See Example 1 and Example 4.
get_allTabs none Array Gets a linear collection of all tabs. This includes all root and child tabs in the tab strip. See Example 5.
get_selectedTab none RadTab Returns the root level selected tab. Null if no root tab has been selected.
get_multiPage none RadMultiPage Returns the associated RadMultiPage, if any.
get_multiPageID none String Returns the value of MultiPageID property, if any.
set_multiPageID String none Returns true if the tab is visible or false otherwise.
get_attributes none Collection Returns the collection of custom attributes for the tab strip.
get_element none HTML Element Gets the DOM element for the tab strip. See Example 6 and Example 7.
get_childListElement none HTML Element Gets the DOM element for the list of tabs in the tab strip.
get_validationGroup none String Gets the name of the validation group to be used for the integrated validation controls.
set_validationGroup String none Sets the name of the validation group to be used for the integrated validation controls.
add_<EventName> (mixed eventHandler) none Attaches an eventHandler to the event with the name . Note that client-side event names differ from their server-side counterparts. For more information, see Client-Side Events. See Example 8.
remove_<EventName> (mixed eventHandler) Boolean Detaches an eventHandler from the event with the name .Returns "True" if the eventHandler is found and detached, false otherwise.Note that client-side event names differ from their server-side counterparts. For more information, see Client-Side Events. See Example 9.

Client side changes are available on the server side after postback. You can use the ClientChanges property to access them.

Note that attached or removed events from the RadTabStrip object will not be persisted after postback even if implemented between trackChanges() and commitChanges() calls. Enabling an initially disabled RadTabStrip will also not persist.

Example 1. Adding tab using trackChanges() and commitChanges()

function addNewTab() {  
    var tabStrip = $find("<%= RadTabStrip1.ClientID %>");
    var tab = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadTab();
    tab.set_text("New Tab");

Example 2. Disable RadTabStrip

function disableTabStrip() {
    var tabStrip = $find( "<%= RadTabStrip1.ClientID %>");
    //or tabStrip.set_enabled(false);

Example 3. Enable RadTabStrip

function enableTabStrip() {
    var tabStrip = $find( "<%= RadTabStrip1.ClientID %>");
    //or tabStrip.set_enabled(true);

Example 4. Get the text of all root tabs of a RadTabStrip

function alertRootTabsText() {
    var tabStrip = $find( "<%= RadTabStrip1.ClientID %>");
    var tabs = tabStrip.get_tabs();
    for (var i=0; i < tabs.get_count(); i++) {

Example 5. Get the text of all tabs in a RadTabStrip

function alertTabsText() {
    var tabStrip = $find( "<%=RadTabStrip1.ClientID %>");
    for (var i=0; i< tabStrip.get_allTabs().length; i++) {

Example 6. Hide the RadTabStrip

// note this change does not persist after a postback
function hideTabStrip() {
    var tabStrip = $find( "<%= RadTabStrip1.ClientID %>");
    tabStrip.get_element().style.display = "none" ;

Example 7. Show the RadTabStrip

// note this change does not persist after a postback
function showTabStrip() {
    var tabStrip = $find("<%= RadTabStrip1.ClientID %>");
    tabStrip.get_element().style.display = "" ;

Example 8. Attach client-side event handler to the RadTabStrip

function OnClientTabSelectingHandler(sender, args) {
    alert(args.get_tab().get_text() );
function AttachHandler() {
    var tabStrip  = $find( "<%=RadTabStrip1.ClientID %>");
    tabStrip.add_tabSelecting( OnClientTabSelectingHandler);

Example 9. Remove client-side event handler from the RadTabStrip

function OnClientTabSelectingHandler(sender, args) {
    alert(args.get_tab().get_text() );
function DetachHandler() {
    var tabStrip = $find("<%=RadTabStrip1.ClientID %>");

See Also

In this article