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Client-side Programming Overview

RadSplitter provides a flexible client-side API. You can easily interact with the splitter in the browser using the splitter client-side object.

Getting the RadSplitter client-side object

RadSplitter creates a client-side object with the ClientID of the splitter. You can obtain a reference using the $find() method, as shown in the following JavaScript code:

var splitter = $find("<%= RadSplitter1.ClientID %>");   

The <%= ... %> codeblock must be placed inside the BODY element of the page.

Getting the instance of a particular RadPane

Once you get the client-side object of RadSplitter, you can use the getPaneById() method to get the instance of a particular pane:

var splitter = $find("<%= RadSplitter1.ClientID %>"); 
var pane = splitter.getPaneById(paneID);    

Getting the instance of a particular RadSlidingZone

RadSlidingZone creates a client-side object with the ClientID of the sliding zone. You can obtain the reference using the following JavaScript code:

var slidingZone = $find("<%= RadSlidingZone1.ClientID %>");

Getting the instance of a particular RadSlidingPane

Once you get the client-side object of RadSlidingZone, you can use the getPaneById() method to get the instance of a particular sliding pane:

var slidingZone = $find("<%= RadSlidingZone1.ClientID %>"); 
var slidingPane = slidingZone.getPaneById(paneID);  

Calling a client-side method

When you get the instance of a particular control, you can call its client-side methods to perform various tasks. The following example shows how to collapse a RadPane control:

function CollapsePane(paneId)
    var splitter = $find("<%= RadSplitter1.ClientID %>");
    var pane = splitter.getPaneById(paneId);
    if (pane)
        alert("Pane with ID '" + paneId + "' not found.");

See Also

In this article