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The NavigationComplete event occurs when a navigation action has been completed.

NavigationComplete has two parameters:

  • sender is the scheduler control.

  • e is an object of type SchedulerNavigationCompleteEventArgs. It has a single Command property that indicates what navigation event occurred. Command is of type SchedulerNavigationCommand, and can have any of the following values:

  • SchedulerNavigationCommand.NavigateToNextPeriod - the schedule moved to the next time period in response to the user clicking the right-arrow button in the navigation pane.

  • SchedulerNavigationCommand.NavigateToPreviousPeriod - the scheduler moved to the previous time period in response to the user clicking the left-arrow button in the navigation pane.

  • SchedulerNavigationCommand.SwitchFullTime - the scheduler changed from full-day mode to business hours, or vice versa.

  • SchedulerNavigationCommand.SwitchToDayview - the scheduler switched from Week or Month view into Day view.

  • SchedulerNavigationCommand.SwitchToWeekView - the scheduler switched from Day or Month view into Week view.

  • SchedulerNavigationCommand.SwitchToMonthView - the scheduler switched from Day or Week view into Month view.

  • SchedulerNavigationCommand.SwitchToSelectedDay - the scheduler changed to Day view displaying the currently selected day.

  • SchedulerNavigationCommand.DisplayNextAppointmentSegment - the scheduler moved to the next segment of an appointment that spans multiple days.

  • SchedulerNavigationCommand.DisplayPreviousAppointmentSegment - the scheduler moved to the previous segment of an appointment that spans multiple days.

You can use this event to perform custom actions when a navigation action has been completed.


protected void RadScheduler1_NavigationComplete(object sender, SchedulerNavigationCompleteEventArgs e) 
    Label1.Text = RadScheduler1.SelectedDate.ToString(); 

Protected Sub RadScheduler1_NavigationComplete(ByVal sender As Object, _
           ByVal e As SchedulerNavigationCompleteEventArgs) _
       Handles RadScheduler1.NavigationComplete
    Label1.Text = RadScheduler1.SelectedDate.ToString()
End Sub

See Also

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