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CSS Skin File Selectors

The following table lists the CSS selectors and descriptions for RadPanelBar style sheets.

Class Name Element Description
RadPanelBar_[Skin]e.g. RadPanelBar_ Outlook DIV Applied to the root element of the panel bar.
RadPanelBar_[Skin]_rtl DIV Applied to the root element of the panel bar when it has a right-to-left orientation.
.rpRtl DIV Applied to the root element of the panel bar when it has a right-to-left orientation.
.rpRootGroup UL Applied to the UL element that lays out the root-level items in the panel bar.
.rpGroup UL Applied to the UL element that lays out a group of child items.
.rpLevel[n] UL Applied to the UL element at the respective level. The first group of child items is level 1, the next level is level 2, and so on. This class is not applied to the root group.
.rpItem LI Applied to the LI element for every item in the panel bar (including child items).
.rpFirst LI Applied to the first item of any level.
.rpLast LI Applied to last item of any level.
.rpSeparator LI Applied to separator items.
.rpLink A Applied to the A element that represents an item at any level of the panel bar.
.rpExpandable A Applied to items that have child items when they are in the unexpanded state.
.rpExpanded A Applied to items that have child items when they are in the expanded state.
.rpSelected A Applied to the single selected item in the panel bar.
.rpDisabled A Applied to an item when it is disabled.
.rpClicked A Applied to an item when it is clicked.
.rpFocused A Applied to an item when it has focus.
.rpText SPAN Applied to the text label of an item.
.rpImage IMG Applied to the image assigned to an item.
.rpSlide DIV Applied to the DIV that manages animated effects for a group of child items.
.rpTemplate DIV Applied to the template of an item.

See Also

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