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TextChanged Event

All RadInput controls provide the TextChanged server event,which is raised when the AutoPostBack property is set to true, the user types valid entry, and the input loses focus.

The TextChanged event only occurs if the value of the input control actually changes. If the user changes the string in the input control but does not actually change the value (for example, entering a date into RadDateInput using a different format or entering an out-of-range number that is automatically corrected to the old value by RadNumericTextBox), the TextChanged event does not occur.

Note that when using RadNumericTextBox , if a value is passed from the server with more digits after the decimal point than you have specified through the NumberFormat.DecimalDigits property, on postback the TextChanged event will fire, as the rounding done on the client by the RadNumericTextBox in fact changes the initial value. This would happen even when there was no user action on the textbox.

The postback request can be controlled for RadNumericTextBox by using the OnValueChanged client event of the control.

The TextChanged event handler receives two arguments:

  1. The RadInput control whose value was just changed. This argument is of type object, but can be cast to the appropriate type.

  2. An EventArgs object.

Use the TextChanged event handler to respond to changes in the control's text:

protected void RadInput_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (sender is RadNumericTextBox)
        RadNumericTextBox ntb = (RadNumericTextBox)sender;
        RadComboBox1.SelectedIndex = ntb.Value;

Protected Sub RadInput_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles RadNumericTextBox1.TextChanged
    If TypeOf sender Is RadNumericTextBox Then
        Dim ntb As RadNumericTextBox = DirectCast(sender, RadNumericTextBox)
        RadComboBox1.SelectedIndex = ntb.Value
    End If
End Sub

See Also

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