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Returns a Boolean value indicating whether multi-column sorting is enabled for the grid instance. Can be used to create some condition for executing different script logic depending on whether the property is enabled or not.

<telerik:RadGrid RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadGrid1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True"
    OnNeedDataSource="RadGrid1_NeedDataSource" AllowSorting="true">
    <MasterTableView DataKeyNames="OrderID" AllowMultiColumnSorting="true">
<br />
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Click"
    OnClientClick="buttonClick(); return false;" />
function buttonClick() {
    var grid = $find('<%= RadGrid1.ClientID %>');
    var masterTableView = grid.get_masterTableView();

    if (masterTableView.get_allowMultiColumnSorting()) {
        alert("Multi-column sorting is enabled.");
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