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AjaxSpellCheck Object

This article shows how to get a reference to the spellcheck object of RadEditor and lists its API.

The spellchecker object in RadEditor is based on RadSpell, but is an asyncronously created instance that integrates with the RadEditor UI and as such provides more limited functionality. It is only created when the spell check is invoked and otherwise it will be undefined. To manipulate its API you need to use a timeout before getting the reference, because otherwise the object will not be created yet.

How to get a reference to the AjaxSpellCheck object of RadEditor

<telerik:RadEditor runat="server" ID="RadEditor1">
        miztake in showing how to invoke a spell check before saving
<asp:Button Text="save" OnClientClick="spellCheckAndSave(this); return false;" 
    ID="btnSave" OnClick="btnSave_Click" runat="server" />
    function spellCheckAndSave(btn) {
        btn.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled");
        //get a reference to the editor object
        var editor = $find("<%=RadEditor1.ClientID%>");
        //execute the spellcheck command"AjaxSpellCheck");
        //use a timeout before getting the reference and using the control API
        setTimeout(function () {
            var spell = editor.get_ajaxSpellCheck();
        }, 10);

    function checkFinished(sender, args) {
        __doPostBack("<%=btnSave.UniqueID%>", "");
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Response.Write(string.Format("page posted on {0}, editor content is:<br />{1}", DateTime.Now, RadEditor1.Content));
Protected Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
    Response.Write(String.Format("page posted on {0}, editor content is:<br />{1}", DateTime.Now, RadEditor1.Content))
End Sub

The AjaxSpellCheck object exposes the following public methods and properties to control its behavior:

AjaxSpellCheck Client-Side Methods

Name Parameters Return Type Description
addCustomWord String Adds a custom word to the collection.The method takes the following arguments: word - The word to be added.
cancelSpellCheck Boolean Stops the spell checking and retrieves the original state of the content.The method takes the following arguments: raiseEvent? - Indicates whether to raise the spellCheckEnd event.
finishSpellCheck Boolean Stops the spell checking and updates the content.The method takes the following arguments: raiseEvent? - Indicates whether to raise the spellCheckEnd event.
get_editor Telerik.Web.UI.RadEditor Returns the RadEditor instance.
get_language String Gets the language used by the Spell-Check service.
set_editor Telerik.Web.UI.RadEditor Sets the RadEditor instance.The method takes the following arguments: editor - The RadEditor instance.
set_language String Sets the language used by the Spell-Check service.The method takes the following arguments: language - The language.
spellCheck Performs a spell check on the content.

AjaxSpellCheck Client-Side Methods for attaching/detaching client-side event handlers

Name Arguments Description
add_spellCheckEnd Function Adds a handler for the spellCheckEnd AjaxSpellCheck client event.
add_spellCheckStart Function Adds a handler for the spellCheckStart AjaxSpellCheck client event.
remove_spellCheckEnd Function Removes a handler for the spellCheckEnd AjaxSpellCheck client event.
remove_spellCheckStart Function Removes a handler for the spellCheckStart AjaxSpellCheck client event.
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