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Using shared RadCalendar/RadTimeView

Having many datetime pickers on a page can render a lot of HTML and decrease performance. To remedy this potential problem RadDateTimePicker control can share RadCalendar and RadTimeView controls so that the rendered page only needs a single client-side object for all the popups. You can define the shared popup control at design time or at runtime in the code-behind.

Defining the shared popup control at design time

To define a shared popup control at design time,

  1. Drag and drop a RadCalendar and RadTimeView control onto the Web Page that contains your RadDateTimePicker controls.

  2. Set the properties of the RadCalendar and RadTimeView control to configure the popup. Unlike the embedded popup controls that are automatically created when you are not using a shared calendar or time view, the external RadCalendar and RadTimeView controls do not inherit any properties (such as Skin or RangeMaxDate and RangeMinDate) from the parent control that uses it.

    Do not set the AutoPostBack property to True. A popup control cannot work properly if it triggers postbacks.

  3. Set the SharedCalendarID property of all RadDateTimePicker controls to the ID property of the RadCalendar control and the SharedTimeViewID property of all to the ID property of the RadTimeView control.


When you assign the RadCalendar or RadTimeView control's ID as the value of a SharedCalendarID or SharedTimeViewID property, it is automatically hidden from view in the rendered Web Page. You do not need to do anything additional to hide it such as placing it in a hidden panel.

Defining a sharedpopup control at runtime

To define a shared popup control at runtime

  1. Do not set the Calendar or TimeView properties of the RadDateTimePicker control at design time.

  2. Add a PlaceHolder for holding the dynamically created popups.

  3. In the code behind, create an instance of the shared RadCalendar and RadTimeView objects. Set their properties as required. Remember that these objects do not inherit any properties from the RadDateTimePicker control that uses them.

  4. Add the instance of the RadCalendar and RadTimeView to the PlaceHolder you added at design time.

  5. Assign the RadCalendar and RadTimeView instances as the value of the SharedCalendar and SharedTimeView properties.

<telerik:RadDateTimePicker RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadDateTimePicker1" runat="server" />
<br />
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="sharedCalendarPlaceHolder" runat="server" />   
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    RadCalendar popupCal = new RadCalendar();
    popupCal.ID = "sharedDynamicCalendar";
    popupCal.EnableMultiSelect = false;
    popupCal.Skin = "Bootstrap";
    popupCal.EnableMonthYearFastNavigation = false;
    popupCal.UseColumnHeadersAsSelectors = false;
    popupCal.UseRowHeadersAsSelectors = false;
    RadDateTimePicker1.SharedCalendar = popupCal;
    RadTimeView popupTime = new RadTimeView();
    popupTime.ID = "sharedDynamicTimeView";
    popupTime.Skin = "Bootstrap";

    RadDateTimePicker1.SharedTimeView = popupTime;
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
    Dim popupCal As New RadCalendar()
    popupCal.ID = "sharedDynamicCalendar"
    popupCal.EnableMultiSelect = False
    popupCal.Skin = "Bootstrap"
    popupCal.EnableMonthYearFastNavigation = False
    popupCal.UseColumnHeadersAsSelectors = False
    popupCal.UseRowHeadersAsSelectors = False
    RadDateTimePicker1.SharedCalendar = popupCal
    Dim popupTime As New RadTimeView()
    popupTime.ID = "sharedDynamicTimeView"
    popupTime.Skin = "Bootstrap"
    RadDateTimePicker1.SharedTimeView = popupTime
End Sub
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