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RadCaptcha properties

Property Description
ErrorMessage The error message text generated when the condition being validated fails.
ProtectionMode Gets or sets which strategies are/to be used for Spam Protection. The available modes are: Captcha, InvisibleTextBox, * MinimumTimeout
CaptchaMaxTimeout Gets or sets the maximum number of minutes CAPTCHA will be cached and valid.
CaptchaTextBoxLabel Gets or sets the label which explains that the user needs to input the CAPTCHA text box.
ForeColor Gets or sets the fore color of the error message.
Display Gets or sets display behavior of error message. The available modes are: None (Validator content never displayed inline), Static (Validator content physically part of the page layout), Dynamic (Validator content dynamically added to the page when validation fails)
ValidatedTextBoxID Gets or sets the ID of the textbox to be validated, when only the RadCaptcha image is rendered on the page. (To render only the CaptchaImage and use Custom TextBox for user input, the CaptchaImage-RenderImageOnly property has to be set to true.)
ValidatedTextBox Read-only. Gets the TextBox that is being validated by the RadCaptcha
IgnoreCase Gets or sets a bool value indicating whether the RadCaptcha should ignore the case of the letters or not. By default it is false – the RadCaptcha does not make a difference between upper and lower case letters.
EnableRefreshImage Gets or sets a bool value indicating whether or not the RadCaptchaImage can be refreshed. When set to true a LinkButton is rendered on the page that, when clicked, generates new image. The 'rcRefreshImage' CSS class is used for applying custom skinning to the LinkButton.
CaptchaLinkButtonText Gets or sets the text of the LinkButton that generates a new CaptchaImage.
<CaptchaImage> Specific
AudioFilesPath Gets or sets the path to the directory where the audio (.wav) files are located. The default path is ~/App_Data/RadCaptcha where tilde (~) represents the root of the web application.
EnableAudioNoise Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether a noise should be added to the CaptchaAudio. The property EnableCaptchaAudio needs to be set to true in order for this to work.
EnableCaptchaAudio Gets or sets the bool value indicating whether the CaptchaAudio will be enabled. When set to true a LinkButton is rendered that, when clicked, retrieves the audio code. Use the '.rcCaptchaAudioLink' selector to apply custom skinning to the LinkButton.
UseAudioFiles Gets or sets a bool value indicating whether the audio code will be generated by concatenation of the audio files from a given folder.
FontWarp Amount of random font warping to apply to rendered text: None, Low, Medium, High, Extreme
BackgroundNoise Amount of background noise to add to rendered image
LineNoise Amount of curved line noise to add to rendered image
FontFamily Sets the font used in the CAPTCHA image. This is the default list of fonts if none is provided: Arial, Arial Black, Comic Sans MS, Courier New, Estrangelo Edessa, Franklin Gothic Medium, Georgia, Lucida Console, Lucida Sans Unicode, Mangal, Microsoft Sans Serif, Palatino Linotype, Sylfaen, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana
UseRandomFont Gets or sets a bool value indicating whether a random font will be used to generate the CaptchaImage text. The font is selected randomly from the FontWhiteList .
TextChars Sets the characters used in the CAPTCHA image: LettersAndNumbers, Letters, Numbers, CustomCharSet
TextColor Gets or sets the color of the CAPTCHA's text (System.Drawing.Color)
BackgroundColor Gets or sets the background color of the CaptchaImage (System.Drawing.Color).
Height Gets or sets the height of the CAPTCHA image.
Width Gets or sets the width of the CAPTCHA image.
ImageAlternativeText Gets or sets the ALT attribute of the IMG tag in the HTML
ImageCssClass Gets or sets the CSS class of the CAPTCHA image
TextLength Gets or sets the number of CaptchaChars used in the CAPTCHA text.
FontWhiteList Gets or sets a semicolon-delimited list of valid fonts to use when no font is provided
ImageStorageLocation Gets or sets the storage location for the CaptchaImage (see note below): Cache, Session
RenderImageOnly Gets or sets bool value that indicates whether the RadCaptcha image will only be rendered on the page (without the CaptchaTextBox and Label). When set to true only the image is rendered on the page. By setting the “ValidatedTextBoxID” property of the RadCaptcha, the user can choose a custom TextBox where the Captcha code will be entered and validated.
CharSet Gets or sets a custom Character Set, from which the characters used to render the CaptchaImage, are randomly chosen. To use this property you must set the “CaptchaImage-TextChars” to CaptchaPossibleChars.CustomCharSet. The CharSet must contain at least 15 characters.
AutoBot Discovery specific Properties
InvisibleTextBoxLabel Gets or sets the hidden textbox strategy label text.
MinTimeout Gets or sets the minimum number of seconds form must be displayed before it is valid. If you're too fast, you must be a robot.

TextBoxDecoration and TextBoxLabelDecoration

Element Decorators Properties

Property Description
AccessKey Gets or sets the access key that allows you to quickly navigate to the control. Note that RadCaptcha's AccessKey value will be used instead if set.
BackColor Gets or sets the background color of the control.
BorderColor Gets or sets the border color of the control.
BorderStyle Gets or sets the border style of the control.
BorderWidth Gets or sets the border width of the control.
CssClass Gets or sets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class rendered by the control.
Font Gets the font properties associated with the control.
ForeColor Gets or sets the foreground color (typically the color of the text) of the control.
Height Gets or sets the height of the control.
TabIndex Gets or sets the tab index of the control. Note that RadCaptcha's TabIndex value will be used instead if set.
ToolTip Gets or sets the text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the control.
Width Gets or sets the width of the control.
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