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A class containing properties associated with the Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid Virtualization functionality.

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • Telerik.Web.UI.ObjectWithState
  • Telerik.Web.UI.GridVirtualization


EnableCurrentPageScrollOnly Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating if the scrolling will be done for the whole data source or only for the current page. The default value is false.

EnableVirtualization Boolean

Gets or sets a value determining if the Virtualization will be turned on. The default value is false.

InitiallyCachedItemsCount Int32

Gets or sets the number of records that will be initially send from the server and cached on the client. Note this property works only for server-side binding. When using client-side binding the initially cached items count equals the value. The default value is 5000.

ItemsPerView Int32

Gets or sets a value determining how many items will be bound in the at any given moment. Note that we do not recommend setting the value to something really small(under 50) or really big(over 200) because there could be performance problems. The default value is 100.

LoadingPanelID String

Gets or sets the ID of the that you want to show when waiting for data to be loaded in the grid. By default the will not show any loading panel during requests.

MaxCacheSize Int32

Gets or sets a value determining how many items at maximum should be cached on the client. The default value is int.MaxValue.

RetrievedItemsPerRequest Int32

Gets or sets the value that determines how many items will be retrieved every time a request is made. Note that in some cases the number of retrieved items could vary a little from the specified value. The default value is 1000.

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