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Class that obtains OutlineTextMetrics for a TrueType font

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • Telerik.Pdf.Gdi.GdiFontMetrics : IDisposable


AnsiKerningPairs GdiKerningPairs

Gets a collection of kerning pairs for characters defined in the WinAnsiEncoding scheme only.

Ascent Int32

Specifies the maximum distance characters in this font extend above the base line. This is the typographic ascent for the font.

AverageWidth Int32

Gets the average width of glyphs in a font.

BoundingBox Int32[]

Gets the font's bounding box.


This is the smallest rectangle enclosing the shape that would result if all the glyphs of the font were placed with their origins cooincident and then filled.

CapHeight Int32

Gets the distance between the baseline and the approximate height of uppercase letters.

Descent Int32

Specifies the maximum distance characters in this font extend below the base line. This is the typographic descent for the font.

EmSquare Int32

Specifies the number of logical units defining the x- or y-dimension of the em square for this font. The common value for EmSquare is 2048.


The number of units in the x- and y-directions are always the same for an em square.)

FaceName String

Retrieves the typeface name of the font that is selected into the device context supplied to the GdiFontMetrics constructor.

FirstChar Int32

Gets the value of the first character defined in the font

Flags Int32

Gets a collection of flags defining various characteristics of a font (e.g. serif or sans-serif, symbolic, etc).

IsEmbeddable Boolean

Gets a value indicating whether the font can be legally embedded within a document.

IsSubsettable Boolean

Gets a value indicating whether the font can be legally subsetted.

ItalicAngle Int32

Gets the main italic angle of the font expressed in tenths of a degree counterclockwise from the vertical.


Regular (roman) fonts have a value of zero. Italic fonts typically have a negative italic angle (that is, they lean to the right).

KerningPairs GdiKerningPairs

Gets a collection of kerning pairs.

LastChar Int32

Gets the value of the last character defined in the font

MaxWidth Int32

Gets the maximum width of glyphs in a font.

StemV Int32

TODO: The thickness, measured horizontally, of the dominant vertical stems of the glyphs in the font.

XHeight Int32

Gets the distance between the baseline and the approximate height of non-ascending lowercase letters.



Returns the width, in PDF units, of consecutive glyphs for the WinAnsiEncoding only.


System.Int32[] An array consisting of 256 elements.


Gets font metric data for a TrueType font or TrueType collection.




Retrieves the widths, in PDF units, of consecutive glyphs.


System.Int32[] An array of integers whose size is equal to the number of glyphs specified in the 'maxp' table. The width at location 0 is the width of glyph with index 0, The width at location 1 is the width of glyph with index 1, etc...


Translates the supplied character to a glyph index using the currently selected font.


c System.Char

A unicode character.



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