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Quick Start Scenarios - Overview

This chapter demonstrates how to build applications with several different types of presentation using Telerik Data Access. Each quickstart illustrates a series of tasks that support the topics in Getting Started. These quickstarts are designed to help you become familiar with Telerik Data Access.

What You Will Learn

The first two tasks show you how to create the SofiaCarRental sample database, and how to create a fluent model based on it. The SofiaCarRental database is used as the relational data source in the quickstarts. In subsequent quickstarts, you will create several types of applications (WinForms, WPF, ASP.NET Web Application, MVC 4) in Visual Studio and perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations with the SofiaCarRental model.


The quickstarts are intended for users who are familiar with Microsoft Visual Studio development and Microsoft .NET Framework, but who are new to the Telerik Data Access. To complete the quickstarts, you must have the following software installed:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and higher.
  • Access to a Microsoft SQL Server instance. For more information, read Supported Databases.
  • SofiaCarRental database. The Creating the SofiaCarRental Sample Database topic shows you how to create the SofiaCarRental database.
  • The SofiaCarRental.Model class library, which holds the fluent model. The Creating The SofiaCarRental Model topic shows you how to create the SofiaCarRental.Model project.
  • Some of the quickstarts require specific Telerik controls installed.

Telerik Data Access Quickstarts

This chapter demonstrates how to build applications with several types of presentation using Telerik Data Access: